Language in the Anthropocene

Public lecture and discussion

May 17, 2015

Büro BDP, Mareschstr 1, 12055 Berlin

A public lecture and discussion about representation and language in the Anthropocene. Irene Kopelman talked about her use of drawing as a language and tool on her field-trips and in her art practice; that is drawing not only as a visual medium, but as a way of accessing knowledge and engaging with contextual conditions and situations. Sasha Engelmann (creative geographer) and Jol Thomson (creative researcher) presented some reflections on a series of educational experiments they have been carrying out at the Institet für Architekturbezogene Kunst at TU Braunschweig. They proposed possible modes of approaching, articulating and recording the elemental tremors and forms of geo-cosmic data made explicit and relevant in the Anthropocene. Ida Bencke (editor) gave an introduction to the current BDP exhibition and publication project: Parapoetics – A Literature beyond the Human. She introduced the first project in the series; About Trees by Katie Holten.