Berlin! We are pleased to invite you to our first step into your world of happenings - a Sunday afternoon of music, drinks and futurist folklore at Tropez, hosted by Broken Dimanche Press. We will be weaving selections from our first two publications in a dynamic reading performance.

The Martyrs - Alternating between poetry and experimental prose, the text probes and subverts archetypes of the martyr, the mystic, the Arab, the west, masculinity, and Jerusalem, among others.

The Story of Sister Sarah Shamlan, the Stranger - lush, fantastical fiction set on the luxurious island of Asour, the nexus of a geo-political re-shifting. This tale of love and death is narrated by a young woman who arrives on the island with a mission that ignites a radical movement of political mysticism.

*Barakunan is an independent publisher based in Beirut and Berlin.

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